Delete Sql Dump Files
Nov 16, 2009 How It Works: Controlling SQL Server memory dumps. SQL Server 2008 Trace Flag It is a dump trigger that is enabled for error 5243. One dump file. I want to know if I can delete. SQL Log, can I delete this file? Have a good look in the SQL and NT logs at around the time of the dump file. Adding and Deleting Data and Transaction Log Files. SQL Server data and transaction log files must not be placed on. After you add or delete files.

Large number of log files,text files and crash dump files are generated at: 'C: Program Files Microsoft Office Servers 12.0 Data MSSQL.1 MSSQL LOG' location. The 1st file is ERRORLOG,its size gets increasing and it can't be deleted.Other files are in sequence:SQLDump001.mdmp,SQLDump001.txt,SQLDump001.log,SQLDump002.mdmp,SQLDump002.txt, SQLDump002.log,etc. There are also files such as:SQLDUMPERERRORLOG.log These files keep consuming the disk space and the hard disk becomes full.
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Can anyone suggest a solution to stop generation of these files. Any help is appreciated. Hi mosslover these are generated by Access Violation errors in the SQL Server process. You cannot stop them being created - they are generating debug information. Errorlog is the file written by SQL Server with general error/informational messages.
This should tell you which process is generating the AV errors. You can open that file in notepad to get more info. In the short-term, you can delete files named SQLDumpnnnn.mdmp, since they are not active (though you'll lose the debug info contained in them) Possibly consider applying the latest service pack, if you haven't already done so. HTH Ewan If you have found this post helpful, please click the 'Vote as Helpful' link (the green triangle and number on the top-left). If this post answers your question, click the 'Mark As Answered' link below.
It helps others who experience the same issue in future to find the solution. To add on to Ewan's response, the ERRORLOG fle (no extension) includes informational and error messages. The ERRORLOG file is renamed with a numbered version extension (ERRORLOG.n) each time the instance is restarted or when your execute spcycleerrorlog. SQL Server keeps several versions by default. The files are typically fairly small but can become relatively large if you have repeated problems, like access vioations. I suggest you investigate the root cause of those. Dan Guzman, SQL Server MVP,
Hi mosslover these are generated by Access Violation errors in the SQL Server process. You cannot stop them being created - they are generating debug information.
Errorlog is the file written by SQL Server with general error/informational messages. This should tell you which process is generating the AV errors. You can open that file in notepad to get more info. In the short-term, you can delete files named SQLDumpnnnn.mdmp, since they are not active (though you'll lose the debug info contained in them) Possibly consider applying the latest service pack, if you haven't already done so. HTH Ewan If you have found this post helpful, please click the 'Vote as Helpful' link (the green triangle and number on the top-left). If this post answers your question, click the 'Mark As Answered' link below. It helps others who experience the same issue in future to find the solution.
To add on to Ewan's response, the ERRORLOG fle (no extension) includes informational and error messages. The ERRORLOG file is renamed with a numbered version extension (ERRORLOG.n) each time the instance is restarted or when your execute spcycleerrorlog. SQL Server keeps several versions by default. The files are typically fairly small but can become relatively large if you have repeated problems, like access vioations.
I suggest you investigate the root cause of those. Dan Guzman, SQL Server MVP, Hello Carlos and Dan I have the same problem right now. I do maintenance one time in one of the remote servers and wondered why the size of the System drive is so big as compared with the other systems I found out that the folder log was full of SQLDUMP###.TXT, LOG and MDM. I am researching on how to correct this one and suggestions on threads were: 1. Change the memory of the server.
Since it speaks of modules. ( I had changed the memory and observe if the error is rectified. To my dismay it came back after a maintenance plan was executed. I have to try other ways like apply the latest service pack.
Can yoou suggest some more aside from reinstalling the SQL Server? Thanks in advance Rene. Dan, I have 29 servers and this the only one that has that error. I posted the error below. Can this be done while on production it should be taken offline?
I have taken back up. Can these be a prelude to database crash? This is the only error. I found that I know was causing the SQLDUMP. Do I need to patch the server to its latest patch.
SQL Server Patch 4? Task start: 4:00 AM. Task end: 4:00 AM.
Failed:(-) Executing the query 'DBCC CHECKDB WITH NOINFOMSGS ' failed with the following error: 'Table error: Table 'sys.sysidxstats' (ID 54). Data row does not have a matching index row in index 'nc' (ID 2). Possible missing or invalid keys for the index row matching: Data row (1:520:1) identified by (id = 577004096 and indid = 2) with index values (name = 'WASys0006240' and id = 577004096). Table error: Table 'sys.sysidxstats' (ID 54). Data row does not have a matching index row in index 'nc' (ID 2). Possible missing or invalid keys for the index row matching: Data row (1:520:2) identified by (id = 577004096 and indid = 3) with index values (name = 'WASys0006240' and id = 577004096). Table error: Table 'sys.sysidxstats' (ID 54).
Data row does not have a matching index row in index 'nc' (ID 2). Possible missing or invalid keys for the index row matching: Data row (1:520:3) identified by (id = 577004096 and indid = 4) with index values (name = 'WASys0006240' and id = 577004096). Table error: Table 'sys.sysidxstats' (ID 54).
Data row does not have a matching index row in index 'nc' (ID 2). Possible missing or invalid keys for the index row matching: Data row (1:520:4) identified by (id = 577004096 and indid = 5) with index values (name = 'WASys0006240' and id = 577004096). Table error: Table 'sys.sysidxstats' (ID 54). Index row in index 'nc' (ID 2) does not match any data row.
Possible extra or invalid keys for: Index row (1:1286:31) with values (name = 'WASys00000002207C19CE' and id = 545003982) pointing to the data row identified by (id = 545003982 and indid = 3). Table error: Table 'sys.sysidxstats' (ID 54). Index row in index 'nc' (ID 2) does not match any data row.
Possible extra or invalid keys for: Index row (1:1286:32) with values (name = 'WASys0003E07' and id = 561004039) pointing to the data row identified by (id = 561004039 and indid = 3). Table error: Table 'sys.sysidxstats' (ID 54). Index row in index 'nc' (ID 2) does not match any data row. Possible extra or invalid keys for: Index row (1:1286:87) with values (name = 'WASys00000003207C19CE' and id = 545003982) pointing to the data row identified by (id = 545003982 and indid = 4). Table error: Table 'sys.sysidxstats' (ID 54).
Index row in index 'nc' (ID 2) does not match any data row. Possible extra or invalid keys for: Index row (1:1286:88) with values (name = 'WASys0003E07' and id = 561004039) pointing to the data row identified by (id = 561004039 and indid = 2). Table error: Table 'sys.sysidxstats' (ID 54). Index row in index 'nc' (ID 2) does not match any data row.
Phpmyadmin Sql Dump
Possible extra or invalid keys for: Index row (1:1508:292) with values (name = 'WASys00000001207C19CE' and id = 545003982) pointing to the data row identified by (id = 545003982 and indid = 2). The Index Allocation Map (IAM) page (1:1641) is pointed to by the next pointer of IAM page (0:0) in object ID 497003811, index ID 0, partition ID 4828672, alloc unit ID 9416192 (type In-row data), but it was not detected in the scan. Table error: Could not check object ID 497003811, index ID 0, partition ID 4828672, alloc unit ID 9416192 (type In-row data) due to invalid allocation (IAM) page(s). Table error: Allocation page (1:1641) has invalid IAMPAGE page header values. Check type, alloc unit ID and page ID on the page.

The Index Allocation Map (IAM) page (1:1603) is pointed to by the next pointer of IAM page (0:0) in object ID 513003868, index ID 0, partition ID 4894208, alloc unit ID 9481728 (type In-row data), but it was not detected in the scan. Table error: Could not check object ID 513003868, index ID 0, partition ID 4894208, alloc unit ID 9481728 (type In-row data) due to invalid allocation (IAM) page(s). Table error: Allocation page (1:1603) has invalid IAMPAGE page header values.
Check type, alloc unit ID and page ID on the page. CHECKDB found 0 allocation errors and 9 consistency errors in table 'sys.sysidxstats' (object ID 54). CHECKDB found 1 allocation errors and 2 consistency errors in table 'COGSALESINVENTORY' (object ID 497003811). CHECKDB found 1 allocation errors and 2 consistency errors in table 'COGTOTALSALES' (object ID 513003868). CHECKDB found 2 allocation errors and 13 consistency errors in database 'POSSITE'.
Repairallowdataloss is the minimum repair level for the errors found by DBCC CHECKDB (POSSITE).' Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, 'ResultSet' property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.Sincerely Sincerely, Rene. Can this be done while on production it should be taken offline? I have taken back up. Can these be a prelude to database crash?
This is the only error. I found that I know was causing the SQLDUMP. Do I need to patch the server to its latest patch. SQL Server Patch 4? The database must be in single-user mode to run DBCC CHECKDB.REPAIRALLOWDATALOSS.
Try running it against a copy of the database (preferably on another server) to make sure the errors are detected and corrected. When repairallowdataloss is the minimum repair level, your best action is usually to restore from your last known good backup and perform forward recovery. Consider applying SP4 after correcting the corruption. I can't say if your problem is due to an issue corrected by a service pack but it's a good practice to stay current anyway. Dan Guzman, SQL Server MVP, Dan I was successful the last time i placed the database in single mode.
It difficult though to return it to multiuser because SPID's are connected to the server. I used the code below to kill existing SPID's before you can set it to multiuser but it is producing an error at KILL @SPId. So I dont like to repeat the adrenaline of returning to that scenario.
Ok To Delete Sql Dump Files

I will follow your advice and see if it can be resolved in another server. I will keep you posted of the results. Best regards and thank you. Rene DECLARE @DatabaseName nvarchar(50) DECLARE @SPId int SET @DatabaseName = N'POSSITE' DECLARE mycursor CURSOR FASTFORWARD FOR SELECT SPId FROM MASTER.SysProcesses WHERE DBId = DBID(@DatabaseName) AND SPId @@SPId OPEN mycursor FETCH NEXT FROM mycursor INTO @SPId WHILE @@FETCHSTATUS = 0 BEGIN KILL @SPId -produces an error?
But /.you can directly placed the SPId as search by the statement SELECT SPId FROM MASTER.SysProcesses WHERE DBId = DBID(@DatabaseName) AND SPId @@SPId like KILL 55./ FETCH NEXT FROM mycursor INTO @SPId END CLOSE mycursor DEALLOCATE mycursor SQL Green Apple. Dan, I done exactly what you told me and the errors were corrected in my test server. I have created a new database on my test server 2. I have restored the backup database from the problem server. Using the command RESTORE DATABASE. The restoration went as expected.
The restoration is from a production to a test server therefore the server name is renamed. I executed DBCC CHECKDB(Nameofdatabase, NOINDEX), the errors appear as the one in the log file. I executed DBCC CHECKDB(NameOfDatabase, REPAIRALLOWDATALOSS) 6. After execution the table errors were gone 7.
Executed back step 4 and the errors were not there anymore. Problem is implementing this in the production servers. I have to shutdown production servers in a few hours.
I hope it will work tomorow. Thanks dan, your a big help.!!! Two thumbs up SQL Green Apple.
You could use 'n,n d' to remove certain lines. I guess in your case you do want to have the table in question, but don't want the data? Change the grep command to include 'Dumping data for table': grep -n 'Table structure Dumping data for table' dump.sql 19:- Table structure for table `t1` 37:- Dumping data for table `t1` 47:- Table structure for table `t2` 66:- Dumping data for table `t2` 76:- Table structure for table `t3` 96:- Dumping data for table `t3` Now, if you don't want the data for t2, you could use: sed '66,75 d' dump.sql cleandump.sql. You need to find the create table statement of your table, and find the next create table statement. Say they are n1 and n2. Then you can just delete them with sed as above. Sed 'n1,n2d' dump.sql new.sql you can just grep create table and note the line numbers for your prework.
Here is a demo. Ubuntu@ubuntu:$ grep -n 34 a.txt 3:3 4:4 ubuntu@ubuntu:$ cat a.txt 1 2 3 4 5 6 ubuntu@ubuntu:$ grep 34 a.txt 3 4 ubuntu@ubuntu:$ sed '3,4d' a.txt b.txt ubuntu@ubuntu:$ cat b.txt 1 2 5 6 ubuntu@ubuntu:$.