Gsa Abstracts With Program Programs For Troubled
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GSA 2018 Annual Scientific Meeting The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) is the oldest and largest interdisciplinary scientific organization devoted to the advancement of gerontological research, learning, and practice. Through its Annual Scientific Meeting, GSA offers nearly 4,000 international professionals in the field of aging the opportunity to learn the latest trends and development from industry leaders, build strategic partnerships to address aging challenges, and network with peers. GSA’s 2018 Annual Scientific Meeting will take place November 14-18, 2018 at the in Boston, Massachusetts and will focus on the theme, 'The Purposes of Longer Lives' chosen by incoming GSA 2018 President, Dr. David Ekerdt, University of Kansas. David Ekerdt sharing what the theme means to him. Call for Abstracts The opened on February 1, 2018 and submissions are due March 15, 2018. Hear from the experts about the importance and process for submitting an abstract and how best to prepare an abstract for submission.
Gsa Abstracts With Programs
For the webinar, “The Road to Boston: Mapping the Steps for GSA 2018 Abstract Submission.” This Continuing Education activity is jointly provided by The Annenberg Center for Health Sciences at Eisenhower and The Gerontological Society of America.