Increase File Upload Size Iis 6

Is there any other place besides the metabase.xml file where the file upload size can be modified? Increase file upload size limit iis-6 file-upload. This article contains information about how to set file Upload/Download Size Limits in IIS 6., LLC Celebration, Florida 34747 407-551-0777 Phone Overcomming IIS 6 File Upload/Download File Size Limits. When trying to upload files over 200KB on IIS 6 the file may never upload and you either get an error or are sent to a blank screen.
By default Windows 2003 server limits file uploads to about 200KB in size. To overcome this limit you must edit the IIS metabase.xml file. Before you can edit the metabase.xml file you must tell IIS to allow you to edit the file. In IIS, right click the name of the server and select properties. Check 'Enable Direct Metabase Edit'. Find the metabase.xml file located in C: windows sytem32 inetserv and open the file in Notepad. Search for AspMaxRequestEntityAllowed and increase the value.
The default value is 204800 (200K). Setting the value to 1000000 will allow 1 MB file uploads. You may now wish to uncheck the IIS property called 'Enable Direct Metabase Edit'. To increase the file download size limit, repeat all steps above but in Step 3 find the parameter called AspBufferingLimit. The default download limit is 4MB. About Us: has been offering advertising software solutions since 1999. Our BanManPro is in use by over 1500 web sites worldwide.
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Hello and thanks for the suggestions. Weightless album all-time low. I have checked metabase.xml and confirmed a high enough size limit has been set in bytes. I was able to upload an 8MB file, but a colleague who also has admin rights was unable to do the same for a 12MB file. I thought it may be a timeout issue and have checked the settings in php.ini. Whereas most are set to 2700, maxexecutiontime is set to 27000. Is having such a large timeout likely to be the cause of the problems due to conflicts with other properties? To reconfirm, the error received was a FastCGI error 995.
Thanks for your assistance. Hello there, Thanks for all the links and suggestions so far. I have tried all of the recommendations posted above but a solution still illudes me. My FCGIEXE.INI looks like this Where in the file do I put the variables below as i'm still getting timeout errors?