Router Audit Tool Rat
An objective, consensus-driven security guideline for the Cisco Network Devices. How is Router Audit Tool abbreviated? RAT stands for Router Audit Tool. RAT is defined as Router Audit Tool frequently. Download Router Audit Tool Rat - best software for Windows. CIS Router Audit Tool: The CIS community thanks the entire consensus team with special recognition to the.

Hi, I chanced upon this tool on the internet some days back and have been trying to use it without any success.I have looked everywhere without any troubleshooting documents as well.I have installed Active Perl as well as the RAT on the C drive as follows with the default unstallations. C: Perl and C: CIS. I have a sample configuration file called SampleIOSConfig.txt in the path C: CIS RAT etc configs cisco-ios as well as the local.conf file. The rat.exe is in the pathC: CIS RAT bin.When I run C: CIS RAT bin rat -r local.conf SampleIOSconfig.txt, I get this message: C: CIS RAT bin rat -r local.conf SampleIOSConfig.txt No configuration files available to audit at rat line 897.Yet,when I put the files in the temp directory and run I get it run successfully as shown: C: cd temp C: TempC: CIS RAT bin rat -r local.conf SampleIOSConfig.txt auditing SampleIOSConfig.txt. Parsing: /local.conf/ Checking: SampleIOSConfig.txt done checking SampleIOSConfig.txt. Parsing: /local.conf/ ncatreport: writing SampleIOSConfig.txt.ncatfix.txt. Ncatreport: writing SampleIOSConfig.txt.ncatreport.txt.
Rat Router Audit Tool
Ncatreport: writing SampleIOSConfig.txt.html. Ncatreport: writing rules.html (cisco-ios-benchmark.html). Ncatreport: writing all.ncatfix.txt. Ncatreport: writing all.ncatreport.txt. Ncatreport: writing all.html.
Cisco Router Audit Tool
C: Temp How do I get it run correctly? Any assistance please.
Has anyone used the RAT (router audit tool) from CIS? I am trying to use it and it seems like it's almost working. I've run the ncatconfig program to create the local.conf file.
It said it was saved at C: CIS RAT/etc/config/cisc o-pix/loca l.conf. When I try and run the RAT, I follow the directions and run C: TempC: CIS RAT bin rat -r local.conf router-config.txt. The error that I keep getting most often is 'Can't open local.conf. No such file or directory at /PerlApp/NCAT/ line 330.
I don't understand what this means. Hopefully someone else does.