Vb.net Open Pdf File

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Hello Everyone, Here is my problem. I would like to check if a PDF file exists in a website. Then if it does to send that PDF file to my default printer. I am writing all the code in VB.net. Zelda wind waker rom. This is what I have so far. Public Function PdfCheck Dim URL As String = ' Dim PDFDoc As Acrobat.CAcroPDDoc Try PDFDoc.Open(URL) Catch e As Exception MessageBox.Show(e.Message) End Try ‘Add printing code here. PDFDoc.Close End Function Now my problem is that the “PDFDoc.Open(URL)” line is for opening a file on the local computer.

Step 2: Open a PDF Document with C#, VB.NET via Spire.PDFViewer. Method one: This method is to directly load a PDF file from system, then open it.

What is the syntax for open a PDF from the web? If anyone has ever done something like this and may give me some code I can use, I will increase points. UPDATE: This works. Sub PdfCheck(ByVal URL As String) Dim AcroApp As Acrobat.CAcroApp Dim PDDoc As Acrobat.CAcroPDDoc Dim avDoc As Acrobat.CAcroAVDoc AcroApp = CreateObject('AcroExch.App ') PDDoc = CreateObject('AcroExch.PDD oc') If PDDoc.Open(URL) Then AcroApp.Show avDoc = PDDoc.OpenAVDoc(') Else MsgBox('Unable to open the PDF-file', vbInformation) End If avDoc = Nothing PDDoc = Nothing AcroApp = Nothing End Sub But, only for a 'local' file on the computer. I am looking for a way to open up a PDF from the web. It's not the best code in the world, but it should work. You'll need to give ASPNET write access to where you want the file (In this case the dir that the aspx file is in.).

You can do the same with buffering to avoid saving the file. It still seems unlikely that the adobe object can't access urls though.

Vb.net open pdf file inside page

Can't Open Pdf File

Private Sub PageLoad(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Dim strURL As String = ' PdfCheck(strURL) End Sub Sub PdfCheck(ByVal strURL As String) Dim AcroApp As Acrobat.CAcroApp Dim PDDoc As Acrobat.CAcroPDDoc Dim avDoc As Acrobat.CAcroAVDoc Dim wc As New WebClient Dim strLocalName As String = Server.MapPath('.' ) & ' ' & GetFileName(strURL) wc.DownloadFile(strURL, strLocalName) AcroApp = CreateObject('AcroExch.App ') PDDoc = CreateObject('AcroExch.PDD oc') If PDDoc.Open(strLocalName) Then AcroApp.Show avDoc = PDDoc.OpenAVDoc(') Else MsgBox('Unable to open the PDF-file', vbInformation) End If avDoc = Nothing PDDoc = Nothing AcroApp = Nothing End Sub Function GetFileName(ByVal URL As String) As String Dim strPathArray = Split(URL, '/') GetFileName = strPathArray(UBound(strPat hArray)) End Function.

Visual Basic Html Document

Psychotext, You just about have what I got so far. This is my code so far. This is exactly my problem now. I can not figure out how to implement the 'AcroExch.AVPageView.ZoomT o' method in my code (from above) to control the magnification of the page after it opens. Mine you this is not a web app, this is all windows forms. The link you sent had this in it for the “ZoomTo” method. ZoomTo BOOL ZoomTo(short nType, short nScale); Description: Zooms to a specified magnification.


Parameters: nType Zoom type nScale The desired zoom factor Return Value: true or false Many thanks for your help so far. You’re doing great!!! In helping me. Sorted, I coded the entire thing myself because I was interested. Here is the part of the code that will open the document and zoom. I assume you can fit this in with your code above (Just need to?