The Settlers 2 10th Anniversary V11757 Patch

Download The Settlers II: the Next Generation Patch v9800 now from the world's. The Next Generation Patch v9800 settlers_2_10th_anniversary_9800.exe 17.6. Settlers 2 10th Anniversary 11757 Bugs. Thread: Settlers 2 10th Anniversary 11757 Bugs + Suggestions Forums. Have you downloaded the latest patch. Oct 19, 2006 a) The MP lobby password is no longer visible. B) Crash with saved. The Settlers II: The Next Generation v11757 Patch.
Hey, sorry to annoy you all, but i keep getting a bad bug on every map i go onto which lets you have harbours. Also added a few suggestions. Harbours There is a bug which the workers get stuck in a harbor and the buildings on another island needing them can't get any workers because of it. A temporary solution is to build a store house near it, get the workers you need to exit the harbour, then once they are all out you remove the block. All the workers then go back to the harbor and to their destination with no problems. It is as is the harbour does not know they are there and the above method is required every so often. Hunters Hut There is no message saying they have no more resources.
Full Screen doesn't work properly Sometimes you can't press the message buttons the top properly, you have to go into settings then select Window Mode and then go back to Full Screen Mode. That does fix the problem, but i have to do it each time i start the game. Workers to island Another bug i have noticed is that if an island is close to the main continent and you have one of those water raft settlers which can send goods over the water gap.
Settlers 2 10th Anniversary Cd-key
Workers will not be sent to any new buildings on the island until that settler (water path) is removed. Suggestions 1.
Settlers 2 10th Anniversary Walkthrough
Out of Resources Can you please make the buildings which is specified as out of resources glow, when you have a bunch of mines or fishing huts together it is difficult to know which one has ran out of resources. Or can you at least make it so when you click Go To Building, the building glows 3 times.
Manually Upgrade Path Can you please make it so you can manually upgrade the path to have donkeys on them keeping the automatic function though. Food Can you please make it so that Miners do not get food when they have ran out of resources and make the unused food appear on the flag when the mine is removed. EDIT: It would also be nice for any building which has not used any resources to drop them near the flag if destroyed (limited to 6 of course). Request resources You can block items from entering a storage building and also have them taken out and put in the nearest store house or whatever.
Can you please make it so you can request to put all items in a building, for example if you have lots of items spread out. You can click on the HQ and have specified items go to there (have a inward pointing arrow on the requested resources). Clearing out harbours If the harbour is the only store house on the island, can you please make it so when you want it to be clear it will take the items back to the continent or closest harbour which is accepting items.
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Add 'TooFast' cheat to speed button. Can you add the 10x speed option to the speed button. No-CD required to play the game. Although i have bought the game and since the game is quite old now, can you please make it so it does not require the CD anymore. Only take like 2 seconds to get the No-CD crack anyway. @legolash2o Fine suggestions - I agree with all of them. Regarding the bugs, have you downloaded the latest patch?
11757, I believe it's called. I'm currently in contact with Ubisoft to see if they can put the patches up on their website so we don't have to find them in a dodgy german site or something. @Tedy44 - Yes, the Vikings is a separate expansion, but it was only published in German. However, a brilliant mind on this site has found out how to install the German version over the English and then replace some files (his own DE - EN translations) so the only German left in 'Die Wikinger' is the sound. Have a nice day.